The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (HASiL) has uploaded the following Public Rulings (PRs) on its website.

Public Ruling No.: Remarks
(Please access the PRs for full details)

No. 4/2023

Investment Tax Alowance - Overview

(Dated: 10 November 2023)

This PR provides an explanation on the investment tax allowance that is available to companies participating or intending to participate in a business in relation to promoted activities or production of promoted products in Malaysia.

No. 5/2023

Tax Incentive for Approved Food Production Project

(Dated: 20 November 2023)

The PR provides an explanation on the tax treatment in relation to the tax incentive for an approved food production project in Malaysia that is available to persons participating or intending to participate.

Reference links:

•  Investment Tax Allowance – Overview (PR No. 4/2023)

•  Tax Incentive for Approved Food Production Project (PR No. 5/2023)

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