
(Please access the Orders for the full details)


Customs (Anti-Dumping Duties)
Order 2023

(Gazetted on 27 September 2023)

This Order has effect for the period of 5 years from 29 September 2023 to 28 September 2028.

According to paragraph 2 of the Order:

  1. Anti-dumping duties shall be levied on and paid by the importers in respect of the goods specified in columns (1) and (2) of the Schedule exported from the country specified in column (3) by the producers or exporters specified in column (4) into Malaysia at the rates specified in column (5).
  2. Notwithstanding subparagraph (1), the anti-dumping duties shall not be imposed on the goods specified in columns (1) and (2) of the Schedule exported from Japan by producers or exporters Daiso Steel Co., Ltd. and JFE Steel Corporation in relation to cold rolled coils of alloy or non-alloy steel of a thickness between 0.20mm to 2.60mm and width between 700mm to 1,300mm excluding tin mill black plate or cold rolled coils imported for the purpose of automotive or electric and electronic end-usages.


Custom Duties (Goods Under The Preferential Trade Agreement Among D-8 Member States) Order 2023

(Gazetted on 29 September 2023)

This Order came into operation on 1 October 2023.

"Contracting Member" means any state which is a party to the Preferential Trade Agreement among the D-8 Member States;

"D-8 Member States" means the contries of Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey; and

"Preferential Trade Agreement" means an agreement among D-8 Member States signed at Bali, Indonesia on 13 May 2006.

According to paragraph 3 of the Order:

An import duty shall be levied on and paid by the importer, in respect of goods specified in the Second Schedule, originating from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iran, Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan and Turkey, at the rate of the import duty specified in column (5) of the Second Schedule, imported into Malaysia.

The Customs Duties (Goods under the Preferential Trade Agreement among D-8 Members States) Order 2013[P.U.(A) 328/2013] is revoked.


Custom Duties (Goods under the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System among the Member States of the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation)
Order 2023

(Gazetted on 29 September 2023)

This Order came into operation on 1 October 2023.

In this Order, "Contracting States" means the Member States which are parties to the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System Among the Member States of the Organization of the lslamic Conference as listed in Annex ll Part ll of the First Schedule to this Order; and

"Participating States" means the Contracting States which presented lists of products to be negotiated within the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System Among the Member States of the Organization of theslamic Conference which ratified the result of the negotiations. 

According to paragraph 3 of the Order:

  1. Import duty shall be levied on and paid by the importer, in respects of goods specified in the Second Schedule, originating from the Participating States at the rate of the import duty specified in column (5) of the Second Schedule, imported into Malaysia.
  2. Where an import duty rate is specified in column (5) of the Second Schedule in respect of a particular class of goods, such rate shall be levied on and shall be paid by the importer in lieu of the corresponding full import duty imposed under the Customs Duties Order 2022 [P.U.(A) 114/2022] only in respect of goods of the class which are shown to the satisfaction of the Director General to have originated from the Participating States.
  3. In the case of goods subject to import duty imported on or with any person entering Malaysia or in the baggage of such person and is intended for non-commercial use (except motor vehicles, alcoholic beverages, spirits, tobacco and cigarettes) a customs duty at a flat rate of ten per cent ad valorem shall be levied on and paid by the importer in respect of such goods.
  4. In the case of goods not specified in the Second Schedule, an import duty shall be levied on such goods at the full rates specified in the Customs Duties Order 2022.


Custom (Prohibition of Exports) (Amendment) Order 2023

(Gazetted on 29 September 2023)

This Order came into operation on 1 October 2023 and amends the Customs (Prohibition of Exports) Order 2023 [P.U.(A) 122/2023] in the Second and Third Schedule.


Custom (Prohibition of Imports) (Amendment) Order 2023

(Gazetted on 29 September 2023)

This Order came into operation on 1 October 2023 and amends the Customs (Prohibition on lmports) Order 2023 [PU.(A) 117/2023] in the Second, Third and Fourth Schedule.


Reference links:

•   Customs (Anti-Dumping Duties) Order 2023 [P.U.(A) 285/2023].

•   P.U.(A) 291/2023 - Customs Duties (Goods Under The Preferential Trade Agreement Among D-8 Member States) Order 2023 revokes P.U.(A) 328/2013.

•   Customs Duties (Goods under the Framework Agreement on Trade Preferential System among the Member States of the Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation) Order 2023 [P.U.A 293/2023].

•   P.U.(A) 294/2023 - Customs (Prohibition of Exports) (Amendment) Order 2023 amends P.U.(A)122/2023.

•   P.U.(A) 295/2023 - Customs (Prohibition of Imports) (Amendment) Order 2023 amends P.U.(A)117/2023.

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