The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (HASiL) has uploaded the following Public Rulings (PRs) on its website.

Public Ruling No.:

(Please access the PRs for full details)

No. 1/2023

Taxation Of Income From Employment On Board A Ship

(Dated: 3 October 2023)

The PR is the 2nd edition and it replaces the PR No. 12/2016 dated 9 December 2016. A list of updates and amendments can be found in paragraph 10 on page 13 of this PR.

No. 2/2023

Tax Incentive For Investment In Bionexus Status Company

(Dated: 4 October 2023)

The PR is the 2nd edition and it replaces the PR No. 10/2018 dated 4 December 2018. A list of updates and amendments can be found in paragraph 10 on page 9 of this PR.

The Income Tax (Deduction for Investment in a BioNexus Status Company) Rules 2007 (P.U.(A) 373/2007) that has been revoked, shall continue to apply to the deduction for investments that have been approved under those Rules as if they have not been revoked.

This PR should be read together with PR No. 1/2020 (Second Edition) on Tax Incentives for BioNexus Status Companies.

Reference links:

•   Taxation Of Income From Employment On Board A Ship  (PR No. 1/2023)

•   Tax Incentive For Investment In Bionexus Status Company  (PR No. 2/2023)

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