The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (HASiL) has issued the e-Invoice Guideline Year 2023 (Version 1.0). This Guideline is announced in HASiL’s media release dated 21 July 2023 following HASiL’s announcement dated 22 May 2023 on the implementation of e-Invoice in phases commencing from 1 June 2024 to 1 January 2027 for targeted taxpayers.
Members can access more information on HASiL’s e-Invoice webpage as follows:-
1. Introduction
2. Benefits of e-Invoice
3. Overview of e-Invoice
4. e-Invoice Implementation Timeline
5. e-Invoice Guideline Year 2023 (Version 1.0)
6. e-Invoice Media Releases
7. Feedback or Enquiries on e-Invoice [email to]
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