The Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (LHDNM) has uploaded the Real Property Gains Tax (RPGT) Return Form for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2021 for the reporting on disposal and acquisition of assets which are subject to the RGPT Act 1976 for YA 2021.


Nevertheless, the disposal and acquisition of assets which are subject to the RPGT Act 1976 prior to YA 2021 are still to be reported in the RPGT Form for YA 2020 and prior YAs.


These documents can be accessed and downloaded as follows:


i) Visit the LHDNM Official Portal at and click on Forms > Download Forms > RPGT > All.


ii) Or quick access at the following link:


Any inquiries and related feedback can be submitted to the LHDNM as follows:

a) Hasil Care Line (“HCL”) at 03-8911 1000 or 603-8911 1100 (overseas)

b) HASiL Live Chat

c) Feedback Form on LHDNM's official portal at the link:


Members may read the Media Release in full on the websites of the LHDNM.

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